Friday, July 30, 2010

What impact does service learning paired with technology, specifically Web 2.0 tools, have on our disenfranchised and disengaged middle school students?


Since 1992 I have utilized service learning yearly to some extent in my classrooms, whether it was an elementary social studies classroom, a high school English Language Learner classroom, or, my current assignment, an eighth grade English Language Arts classroom. I have personally watched students who have figuratively dropped out of school become engaged in the classroom and find success in the school setting. Through interviews, written reflections, and process evaluation, one clearly sees the correlation between service learning and student engagement. However, my goal is to have clear evidence to support this claim in order to bring other colleagues in my district on board.

In 1994, as a third through fifth grade social studies teacher, I wrote a grant to obtain a computer as well as access to a social learning program through National Geographic. I can still recall the entire classrooms of twenty to twenty-five students gathered around the one computer engaged in the exchange they were having with students around the globe. Now, my students have access to one computer per student on our, at least, weekly visits to the computer lab. Also, I have thirteen computers in my classroom for easy access. Through wikis, Glogster, and other Web 2.0 tools, my students can interact in a social learning manner familiar to many of them. Using these competencies in the classroom is compelling, engaging, and empowering.


In summary pairing service learning with social learning may lead to powerful experiences for our middle school students in our Title I district.


  1. Katrina,

    I think it is so important to recognize that most students are disengaged rather than lazy or rebellious. To compare will you utilize data from a previous year your class where the tools were used? Or will you compare your class to another class that does not use the web 2.0 tools?

  2. It's weird to wish I had not used Web 2.0 tools last year, but that's the way I feel right now:) I will have to compare my students to a previous year for them when Web 2.0 tools were not used. A little tricky esp in a small school, but I think I can do it carefully.
