Sunday, March 7, 2010

Implications Of The Texas S Ta R Chart

This presentation seeks to offer solutions to weaknesses found in our local campus STaR Chart.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Prezi on 21st Century Literacy

Accomplishing Long-Range Goals in Texas Technology: Target Date 2020

While some might see the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology filled with lofty goals impossible to obtain, many Texas educators see the plan as critical to the realization of an education system that maintains and surpasses the demands for learners in the 21st century. Although all four components of the plan are equally important, I believe that, without a paradigm shift in the way that we provide Educator Preparation and Development to our teachers, Teaching and Learning will continue to struggle, and, in many cases, stagnate. Fortunately, many avenues exist to enable Texas teachers to promote academic excellence through the use of technology; the issue is not a lack of resources, but a refusal by many in education to view professional development in a new way.

Allowing teachers precious time to learn how to integrate technology into their classrooms enables the teachers a comfort level that a one-shot staff development session cannot match. Helping teachers to understand the demands of today's learner creates a sense of urgency that we, as facilitators of that learning, must strive to do a better job to meet these learners' needs regarding technology. Finally, when teachers embrace the idea that we, the "digital immigrants", have an obligation to provide those tools that the "digital-natives" in our classrooms find second-nature in their 21st century world, powerful and relevant learning takes place.

Schools must find ways to re-think Educator Preparation and Development so that Teaching and Learning will reach the Target Tech level of the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology by 2020.